Sunday, 31 January 2021

I was a good Bunny....sort of

As we all know Sunday is the day of rest,and causing mayhem all week is hard work.

So I would say I've been pretty good. OK, so I did chew a cushion. Yet this time I left some tiny chocolate eggs,you know soften the blow.
What she doesn't know is that I pooped them out hehe, didn't say I was totally well behaved.

Ginger however was the chewing monster today, so it was nice that I wasn't put in time out.

Tomorrow is Monday, so of course its back to causing trouble. I feel i do a good job,keeping my human on her toes. 

Goodnight friends
-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Saturday, 30 January 2021

I'm in Time out.

Today was good until I was put in time out. My human was at work,then comes home and sees someone has been chewing.

Now a week ago, the wannabe boss buys me and Ginger,this cat scratch toy playhouse,so we can hide and scratch. 

So she gets out the vacuum....again, I mean honestly its such a noisy robot. Then she spots a hole in the playhouse,  so yes she blames me again.
I said it wasn't me, and looked quite pleased with myself. 

Mouth almighty proceeds to ask "do I look like I'm laughing?".
All I said was,  "do I look like a cat?".
Then before I know it, I'm in time out.

I Will show her that I am the boss.

Goodnight friends.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ€˜πŸ–€

I am,your alarm ⏰

Good morning friends,

I finally got payback on the human, I remembered that she didn't have work this morning and was planning on having a lay in. 
Well I had other ideas, so just before 4am it was my time to shine like a diamond. 

So I zoomed around the living room, multiple times. I got tired and noticed my plot wasn't working. So i took a furry paw step further, I scratched at the door.

Then after 10 mins of scratching,I heard footsteps. The human came in like a zombie, im not judging but she could have brushed her hair first. Infact I swear I saw drool from her mouth.

Of course she blamed me,  I said honestly I was just relaxing when a cat came in scratched and left.

The human clearly didn't believe me, and said the door is locked, and we live in a raised flat,how will a cat get in. See she's always arguing, I said how do you know the cat didn't fly....supercat.

The lady then called me pinocchio and walked off in a sleepy state.

So that was my morning, im actually feeling a little smug today.
Have a great weekend friends 

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ€˜πŸ–€

Friday, 29 January 2021

That's right blame me....again🐰

Today was going well, I was free roaming and living my best fluffy life. Then the human comes home from work and spots poop on the sofa. 

Now what I should add is i have a sister who lives here called Ginger. Ginger is a fluffy suck up to the human and small human. I keep telling Ginger let out your inner rockstar,but alas she won't.

So the human spots said poop and honestly had an attitude about it, you guessed it she blamed me.
 I explained that maybe it was Ginger and how does she know its poop? Maybe its a chocolate peanut? Maybe the small human did it?

Miss attitude had an answer to everything, It wasn't Ginger as she wasn't in the room and the small human is 10 years old.

Lets see what tomorrow brings, but if Mrs smart ass thinks its over, it isn't,I plan to poop in her bed. That will show her.

Goodnight friends 😴 

-Bunny 🐰🀘

Introduction πŸ°πŸ–€

Good morning fellow bunnies and humans.

My name is Bunny, however my human thinks its funny to nickname me: The Destroyer.

I feel I need to explain the nickname, my human blamed me for a chewed cushion. Insane right? Let me explain what really happened, I was minding my own business and then bam the cushion just exploded. 

For some unknown reason,the following day a racoon came in and chewed through the vacuum cleaner charger. The human for some strange reason did not believe me.

I am fluffy and cute, so I don't get why I keep getting the blame for items exploding.

I have decided to document my life with the human as I feel I need my space to vent, as she uses Instagram to shame me

Well lady I too will shame you.

Oh lord here she comes,I best do a binky and look cute. 

🐰 Bunny

world wide domination

Oh haaayyy, So the human finally did something right, I know its about time. She had a painting done of me, which honestly should have been ...