Monday, 15 February 2021

1.50am and .....

Good morning,

So its 1.50 am and my human is in a bad mood, nothing new there. Shes cranky and doesn't seem amused that we woke her.

Yet when she's sleeping, she sounds like a helicopter, honestly her snoring is loud. I nudged her earlier during the night, to say stop it. 
As I got closer to her face,I noticed she was drooling.  Such a state, I mean her hair was stuck to her face......what a hot mess.

If you ask me it was her own fault She got woken up. 
I was feeling a little peckish,  so started chomping this quite yucky hay, turns out it was my humans hair.

Now I don't want to be mean but her hair is so dry and damaged, it was easy to assume it was hay.
If I was her I would invest in hair treatment ASAP and also get them split ends sorted.
People love people, who love themselves.

Jeeze I'm not one to judge but, you can kind of see why she's single. 
If she actually stayed still I could have sorted them split ends. Yet she decided to mumble and get out of bed.

Then Ginger was destroying her bed,  ahh revenge at its greatest. I honestly think she needs to chill, I let her have at least 3 hours sleep.

Well oddly enough now I feel sleepy , now she's dealing with Ginger in the other room I have peace,  nap time .

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

dat ass

Good morning humans and furry friends.

I have been taken hostage, well hostage is a strong word. Trapped is a better word, since I've been spayed, I have to stay in the humans bedroom.

My goodness, it's a nightmare when she goes to bed.
This darn female snores, and its loud, I'm shocked the roof doesn't come off.

It doesn't end there oh no, she's a bloody sleep farter. Honestly how is it possible to sleep and bottom burp.
The worst part is, she doesn't even wake up.

She's all mardy,when I'm on her bed,but I just want the bottom trumpet to stop.
Seriously and the other day she had sprouts, let me tell you,my little eyes watered.

I have another week off this, send help.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Sunday, 14 February 2021

she got me spayed....damn her

Good evening, 

I'm finally able to blog about that pesky human of mine. So she decides its time to get me spayed. 
I gave her some bunny evils, because she deserved it.

I couldn't cause any destruction for days, and let me tell you I wanted too.
Today however I felt better and got too chew, that will teach her.

My sister Ginger is like bunnies gone wild. Ginger bit the human, teehee. 
Honestly she's been chewing and biting, it's great as now she's getting into trouble. 

This human however keeps doing lives and trying to shame us, though that doughnut looks a right plonker, as me and Ginger act innocent. 

I have had days to plot my revenge and believe me I will win. Im spayed now, there's really not much she can do now. I however have a long list of antics to get up too.

I'm still annoyed she named me Bunny, really Bunny. Its like she couldn't be bothered,  I deserve a decent and epic name. 

To be continued.....

-Bunny 🐰 πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Sunday, 7 February 2021

I locked my human up

Good morning,  and what a glorious morning it is.

I finally taught this human who the real boss is. I wouldn't say it was delicious, sweet revenge. More epic, pick of the crop revenge.

I trapped mouth all mighty in our playpen. Its ok though, I let her have water and some hay.
I really should let her out soon,its been a while.

Do I feel guilty? Erm....nope πŸ˜…. Its quite amusing to watch, hold on a second.
......back, sorry the human was chewing the cage. 

Don't understand why she's not eating her hay, such a waste. This crazy lady tried using the litter box, but damn that squishy bottom is not going to fit.

I deserve a medal, if you think about it I'm also helping her. Forever moaning about her weight,so with my diet of hay and water the weight will drop off.
Yet am I being thanked???? No, im getting death stares.

Well I better hop to it, I want to destroy the place and poop everywhere.

Have a grand day, I know I will.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

when will she learn?

Good evening one and all,

So yet again the human really does not learn from her mistakes.
This afternoon the human one decided to put up the new cat playhouse for me and Ginger.

Now as most of you are aware someone chewed the last one.
Now you would think common sense would set in, but nope,this human just has tumble weed running threw her head.

I watched her disapprovingly putting this new home together,  I mean honestly we all know it won't last long.

I just don't get it, does she think the suspect who chewed the last one, is going to be like "oh I learnt my lesson last time,I won't chew this one".

It doesn't stop there, she started moaning ....again about my pooping. Yes I have a litter box,but then it's more fun watching her clean up after me.

I have attached a photo of this new playhouse. Seriously what is with the pattern??
Does she think I'm a leopard? Its very like bam in your face.

I wonder what smart ideas she comes up with next.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Thursday, 4 February 2021

I'm back

Good morning,

I was put on a blog ban by you guessed my human.
Apparently she didn't find it funny what I was posting.
I however find it amusing, revenge will be mine.

Yesterday was good, I think I got told off once. All because I wouldn't wear a harness, this women thinks she can control me, I think not lady.

A harness, please I can be trusted to go out without one. I tried pleading my case,but she was all like shall we look at your track record Bunny.
Making out like she's got daily recordings of my misbehaviour.

Why doesn't she get, lifes hard for a rabbit. You know I have to wait to be fed, poop on the floor, chew to get attention.
What does she do, just work and leaves me behind.
Its not hard to see who's really at fault.

Oh then she saw me chewing the sofa,  I explained i was cleaning it for her.
Sometimes I feel she's ungrateful, like hello you didn't clean properly and I'm helping.

All I'm suggesting is maybe she follow Mrs.Hinch.
Again not judging....much

Lets see what today brings.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

my owner is....a dumbass

Good evening humans and fluffy friends,

Today has been a Good day, the owner went to work and then came back with treats.
Im not sure if this was a bribe, to try and get me too behave πŸ€” 

However I won't turn down treats. So she buys me and Ginger this fruit bowl treat. Inside it had banana chips and raisins,yummy.

I however decided to throw the raisins around,  I can't be perfect now.
Out comes that noisy robot cleaner. As this tired looking human starts to clean,she sees a raisin. I notice a death stare from her, as per usual.

So she's about to open her pie hole, when she looks on the carpet again, and realises its not poop.
Her face was priceless,  I know the human was getting ready to tell me off.

Guess who got the last laugh? teehee, I win again.


Tuesday, 2 February 2021

phantom pooper

Morning everyone, 

The human lady awoke to find poop everywhere, of course she blamed me.
I said it was a phantom pooper, and I tried to stop him but alas I could not.

"Do you know who I am?", I wasn't quite sure if this required an answer, or she generally forgot who she was?
"I am,your owner", good lord has she been watching star wars???

She carried on ranting about a litter tray and learning to use it. If you got to go,you got to go. I don't get the issue, she has a robot cleaner.

I'm just going to keep living my best Bunny life. 

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

I broke the human

Good morning humans and furry friends.

I am feeling pretty great today, I finally showed my pet human who's boss. I mean that whole insta shaming thing actually annoyed me.

So I seeked a little revenge, I carried on chewing my playhouse. The human, ignored me for a while and just sat on the sofa with a face like a slapped ass.
I was persistent tho, and carried on, I was getting quite tired, revenge is tiring.

Eventually my human got up and walked off, I was also going to suggest she dyes them roots. I don't judge, but she's going grey.

The next minute she's back with quite a large bottle of Bailey's,  hahaha I cracked her and finally made her resort to alcohol. 

Oh but wait ✋ thats not the best part. Her insta shaming back fired,  my insta friends basically congratulated me. You see my new buddies understand and get me. Oh how I love them, now what else can I nibble on???

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

Monday, 1 February 2021

I win human

Good evening humans and fluffy ones.

My human tried to insta shame me this evening. All because I chewed a cat playhouse, she only saw part of the damage, as she's doing her live I decided to show her the other part I'd ruined. 

It was funny, so I carried on chewing whilst she was live,figured she can't put me in time out if she's busy.

I mean one entrance into a playhouse, I need at least 2, so I'm just creating a new entrance. Do I get thank you for it, nooooo.

Lets be honest people want too see me destroy right??? 

Anyways I best go, the human is eyeballing me.

Goodnight  friends.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ€˜πŸ–€

Fight Club

Good morning, 

So today has barely started, and this human of mine is already bumping her gums.
I think she enjoys telling me off, however this mornings accident was her fault. 

Because Ginger and me get separated as apparently I'm aggressive. The lady decided to try and see if I would play nice with Ginger. 

So the human dumbass goes to the bathroom and comes back. I swear,I saw steam coming out of her ears. I never knew she could morph into a train.

She spots a bit of Gingers fur on the floor, and starts with her nonsense  again, what did you do Bunny? Why are you fighting Bunny?

I felt I had to answer, so I simply said "first rule of fight club,don't talk about fight club".

You guessed it, I was put in Time out. Now how does she know Ginger didnt pull her own fur out. See this human has more issues than Vogue.

-Bunny πŸ°πŸ–€πŸ€˜

world wide domination

Oh haaayyy, So the human finally did something right, I know its about time. She had a painting done of me, which honestly should have been ...